University: 245 definitions


  • Ronald Barnett University College London Institute of Education, United Kingdom image/svg+xml



University, Higher Education, Knowledge


This scientific article focuses on the essential role of the university as an institution responsible for education and its importance in society. The university represents the search for truth and understanding of the universe in all circumstances of life. As a corporation of students and professors, it is dedicated to research, teaching and the contemplation of truth, promoting integral knowledge and training professionals for the common good. Without the university, no society can survive as a democracy and would limit citizens' access to higher education and to the highest levels of work competence and research. In addition, the university becomes a space for debate and consensus in all areas, contributing to the construction of meaning in society and to social consensus. University autonomy is a fundamental right that allows it to fulfill its mission of reflecting on reality and generating knowledge. In conclusion, the university is a cultural institution that transmits knowledge and trains professionals, being essential for the development and progress of society as a whole.


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How to Cite

Barnett, R. (2022). University: 245 definitions. Debate Universitario, 12(21), 98–124.