Open Access, Copyright and Digital Preservation Policy

Open Access, Copyright and Digital Preservation Policy:
The journal is committed to promoting and supporting open access to scientific research. We believe that free and unrestricted access to research results is fundamental to advance knowledge and foster scientific progress. Our open access policy is based on the following principles:
1. Creative Commons BY license:
- All published articles are distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license:
- This license allows readers to access, share and adapt the published content, provided that the original authorship is duly acknowledged and a link to the original work is provided.
- Authors retain the copyright of published articles.
2. Free and unrestricted access:
- All articles published in our journal are available free of charge and without barriers to access.
- Readers are free to read, download, copy, distribute and print the articles, which encourages the dissemination and sharing of knowledge.
Visibility and indexing:
- We strive to ensure maximum visibility of articles published in the journal.
- We index our contents in recognized databases and repositories, which broadens their scope and facilitates their discovery by the scientific community.
4. Digital preservation:
- The journal is committed to long-term preservation and maintenance of published articles.
- We work with reliable repositories and digital preservation systems to guarantee the long-term preservation of the contents.
- All articles have a DOI, and the articles are backed up by a mirror server.
- The journal is part of the Public Knowledge Project's Private LOCKSS Network (PKP-PLN).
5. Acknowledgement and attribution:
- We value proper recognition of authorship and intellectual contribution in scientific research.
- Authors are duly acknowledged for their work and should receive proper attribution when their work is used as a basis for further research.